Welcome to the official website for the Beaulieu Model Flying Committee (BMFC). This site is hosted by the BMFA server and uses WordPress software.
Forestry England (FE) have stopped us flying at the Beaulieu site from February to April inclusive. The committee have sourced an alternative flying site (Electric Planes only) south of Lyndhurst for February to April inclusive . Details of the site will be communicated to all 2024 permit holders.
Methanol and petrol engines WILL be allowed from May 1st at Beaulieu.
Model Aircraft Flying is not generally permitted anywhere in the New Forest under the Forestry Commission Bye-
The BMFC is the licensed authority authorised by the FE to govern model flying in the New Forest. Flying takes place at the (decomissioned) WW2 airfield on Beaulieu Heath. The BMFC governs both Radio-
You may not fly without a permit. The BMFC negotiates model flying permissions annually with FE. It is authorised to issue individual permits to model flyers for the year. You can read more information about the BMFC here including access to the BMFA achievement scheme. We recommend that all model flyers have, or aspire to have, at least a BFMA A-certificate in their chosen discipline, typically Fixed Wing (FW) or Helicopter (H).
Under the new UK Government Unmanned Aerial Vehicles laws you must be a legal CAA registered operator and be a valid CAA certified flyer in order to qualify for a permit to fly at Beaulieu Airfield. At present only Fixed Wing planes, and Rotary wing helicopters are allowed. Multi-rotor drones are not approved by the Forestry for use in the New Forest.
To get a permit for 2024 please read the permit information page. You will also need to know about the flying site Regulations, the child policy and the drone policy.
The permit application process for 2024 opens in December 2023 and is active now. Permits last for the current calendar year only, and must be renewed each year.
Learning to fly – we can provide the instruction to help you learn to fly. We have our own training aircraft and control systems so you do not need to make a large financial outlay to see if you want to start the hobby. Once you are in the air all our members will help and guide you through your model flying journey. Use the contact page to discuss your requirements.
Beaulieu Heath airfield consists of the remains of 3 wartime runways, up to two miles in length, now mainly reverted to grass. The eastern end of the main runway retains its hard surface which is used as an all weather model aircraft runway. Part of the original runway is separated off by a barrier as a car park, and the area connects to the original airfield perimeter track which is a designated cycle path.